A diary which note down all the investment experience, knowledge, thinking and analysis. Welcome who interested in investment of Malaysia's Share Market(KLSE) to comment and discuss in this diary.

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Saturday, September 6, 2008

Share portfolio from 01.11.2007 to 09.06.2008

From 01.11.2007 to 09.06.2008, i have put all my capital in one share which is TENAGA. The reason i choose it at that time is :-

1) 80% of electricity of West Malaysia is from TENAGA.
2) Other companies difficult to involve in this sector.

Combine the two reason above, TENAGA is nearly monopoly in electricity sector of West Malaysia.

Attached herewith the transaction i make from 01.11.2007 to 09.06.2008.

Date Buy/Sell Units Price
01.11.2007 Buy 500 9.3
15.01.2008 Sell 500 10.1
01.05.2008 Buy 1000 6.7
09.06.2008 Sell 1000 8.5

I have make some profit from the transaction of TENAGA as above. But after i study more, i decide to delete TENAGA from my watchlist. I will share my concern and what stock is in my current watchlist in my next post. Enjoy everyone of investment in KLSE.

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